The dog club I belong to, was hosted an this obedience show.
Bell was entered in Open B and Utility B both days and we were on the lookout for OTCh points and UDX legs! Qwik was in Novice B Both days too. I have a goal with her to get a High in trial. She can only show in Novice untill she gets a High in Trial. Then we can't show in Novice but once she is trained she will be shown in Open.
Saturday went well. Qwik was in the ring first and did a GREAT job! She won the class with a 198.5 I was THRILLED! I was just crossin my fingers and toes that the score would hold and she would get High in trial.
Bell was in Open first and Qualifyed. She did some silly things that put her out of the placements. She self released on one finish before the judge said "exercize finsished" and then she never sat at heel when I sent her. Werid.....She never does that stuff in training. She Q'd though and had a good attitude. Unfortunatly when they handed out ribbons the dog that took first place also got a 198.5. It was an OTCh dog and a VERY experienced trainer, she does seminars all over the country. I thought right away..there is NO WAY we can beat her in a runoff!!
Then Bell showed in Utility. She did a nice job and sat on all her finishes and didn't do the silly stuff like she did in Open. I was happy about that! She ended up with 2nd place for 3 OTCh points! She is now at 51 points and has all the wins needed. YAY.
At the end of the day came the Runoff for High in Trial..Qwik was HIGH AS A KITE! She was up and ready to go. I was soooooo excited! She pranced through the heeling pattern and was all there and miss perky pants. I was THRILLED! She did such a nice job. She didn't win it....but I could NOT have been more pleased with her! YAY!!!
After a late start and after spilling my ENTIRE coffee under the seat of my car, gurrrrrrrrrr. Qwik was first in Novice again. She was all pumped and ready to go. She did a nice job too! Before I went in I handed my video camera to a friend to tape us. I am always leerly of taping Obedience. It can go to crap in a second and I hate looking back on tape at that painfull experience. But I was sure happy with this run!!! Sorry to Bore you with Obedience though...
She earned a 199 and First place! A Flippin 199! YEEE HAW! How awesome is that!
I was sooooooo hoping that score would hold! YIPPIE SKIPPIE!
Bell was up next in Open and Qualified. She did a really nice job and behaved. She got 3rd place and was just out of the OTCh points. No biggie.....BUT the first place dog ended up with a 199......another Tie for High in Trial with the Qwiksta!!! It was with another Border Collie who was up with the top dogs in the country last year.
Bell finished with Utility and was very happy and excited to be showing. She was so happy she anticipated the Drop for Signals. So she failed. She did well otherwise though!!!
Then came the Runoff for HIGH IN TRIAL with miss Qwik.
YAHOOO!!!!!! SHE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about exciting! This made my year! And it's only January!!!!!!!!