So now she is known as UAG1 CH Sun Devil Seas Blazin' for Shore CGC WC UWC
Bell was entered also and earned her UAG2 title and 2 legs towards her UAG1 title. She did great! I haven't trained the teeter totter in a few years due to her fear. Lately I have been tiring out the girls by training them in the basement on stuff that moves......
And with all that training, Bell has grown more confident with "stuff that moves". I have been playing with her on the teeter and decided to go ahead and try her at the UKC show on the teeter. She did GREAT! She buried her face in liver sausage after each run. She would have earned 3 legs and a title in AG1 but dropped a bar. But she did get High Combined on Friday and HIGH IN TRIAL on Sunday for her AWESOME run! I was so proud of her! Maybe just MAYBE we might be able to do some more teeters soon. Cross your fingers. There are a few more UKC shows coming up. We will see what happens!

It has finally warmed up to the point of being able to go outside for more than a minute! My Pigeons decided NOW was a GREAT time to have some eggs. These are the first they have layed. We will see if they hatch!
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